We are handbag factory,we also have our own international sales department. We produce and sell all by ourselves.
We focus on Handbags, Shoulder Bags, Makeup bags, Wallets, Clutches,Backpacks, Crossbody Bags and other .
Yes,we are mainly doing customized products according to the customers’ photos or samples.
We will reply you within 24 hours.
Shipping times will vary depending on how you want to ship the goods. We offer shipping by sea and air. Typically, smaller and lighter products ship via air, but larger and heavier products such as handbags ship by sea. And, of course, it also depends on the order quantity as well. Shipping by sea typically takes four weeks, and shipping by air usually takes only a few days. Faster service is available via air, but there is an extra cost involved, so plan early to get the best rates.
Our products are mainly exported to over 60 countries such as USA, Germany, Japan, Spain, Italy, UK, South Korea, South Africa, Australia, Canada and etc. Our clients include many OEM customers.
We provide shipping to over 80 countries around the world. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If this happen will contact you.
When we quote for you, we will confirm with you the way of transaction.
For mass production goods, you need to pay 50% deposit before producing and 50% balance against copy of documents.The most common way is by T/T acceptable.
BNB Handbag Manufacturer deals with many companies, all of which have confidentiality issues, so you can rest assured that all communications will be kept confidential. We do sign and honor confidentiality agreements. Simply email us the agreement, and we will sign it and email it back to you.
Sample cost depends on the product you are developing, but once you order, it will be given back to you as a credit towards the final price.